LIRR 2070


The car at Richmond Hill in June 1971, a little less than two years after it was acquired by LIRR.
Note the "interim" letterboard with LONG ISLAND in vertical block lettering, while the
GOSHEN POINT name and PULLMAN sublettering remain intact.
The car still has a blackroof and the diaphragms are intact.
Photo by Robert Dunnet; Collection of Ed Frye

MONTAUK in winter storage at Montauk Yard on November 16, 1975.
Photo/scan by Ed Frye

Photographer's reflections: A broad and smooth East End sky beyond the rooftop of parlor MONTAUK was giving way to “first light” when I photographed the car at sunrise.  The wind from Fort Pond Bay had yet to awaken; dry brush at the foot of the vestibule steps stood tall and still, accompanied by weathered paint that streamed from the roof above, cutting straight across the car’s stainless steel siding.  


Updated on 8/30/2008